Where the Word comes to LIFE!  
  Kingdom Connection Classes: Sunday 9:00 a.m.

 We understand kids learn on a whole different level as adults 
                                 and with visuals and games they learn even more.
Children 3-5yr old,  move from the nursery to the Beginners Class of Jr. church.
Our beginners love to dance and sing along with Ms. Cathy, Ms Amy, Ms Sandy  as they learn Bible stories.

Children Kindergarten – 5th Grade
We love to give our kids the best of both worship and the Word.
Therefore, after worshipping with the entire church, our elementary kids
are dismissed to Jr. Church where they learn the Bible on their own level. 
Let’s not forget Nursery.  Yes, they are taken care of too!
                 We offer care for our babies and toddlers for the entire
         Sunday worship service so mom & dad can focus on the Message. 
                          Nursery is for children 6mth- Pre Kindgergarten.